

Leadership Roles

Applications are currently being accepted for leadership positions. If you are interested in serving the MATPRA organization as a Board Member/Officer, please contact the Immediate Past Chair with your interest.

Serves as the CEO of the organization
Works with other officers to guide the future of the organization
Works with and advises sub-committees
Leads quarterly meetings
Creates agenda for meetings
Assigns coordinator of monthly press releases and determines release topics
Coordinates with quarterly meeting hosts
Arranges and holds monthly conference calls

Maintains membership database and LinkedIn account/use
Updates membership materials
Provides membership materials to new members
Recruits potential new members
Ensures that membership information is current for all members
Leads meetings when Chair is not able
Provides input into the future of the organization
Supervises the Social Media Committee

Takes minutes at meetings and distributes to organization within 14 days of meeting
Works with monthly press release coordinator to send reminders to members
Sends out meeting notices to members via Constant Contact and Linked In
Keeps records of all meetings and reports
Supervises and serves on the Media Committee

Manages checking account
Advises board on dues structure
Distributes invoices
Pay bills
Makes deposits
Maintains database of who is current on their dues
Prepares Treasurers reports for quarterly meetings
Supervises and serves on the Professional Development Committee

Past Chair
Provides insight into previous year operations
Provides input into the future of the organization
Supervises the Website Committee
Spearheads Nominating Committee and Officer Election Process
Keep By-Laws current and/or makes needed changes