
The Harris-Roubaix: A Gravel Road Spring Classic

The fun cycling event takes place every Spring on the same day as theĀ Paris-Roubaix. The group leaves from the center of Harrisonburg at noon for a casual ride to a family farm about 7 miles to the north of the City. From the farm there will be a 10-15 mile loop rides marked for your […]


USA/Alexandria, VA Birthday Celebration

Oronoco Bay Park, Alexandria, VA 100 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA, United States

On Saturday, July 7, 2018, from 6 to 10 p.m., celebrate America's 242nd birthday and Alexandria, Virginia's 269th birthday along the Potomac waterfront atĀ Oronoco Bay Park in historic Alexandria, Virginia. Bring lawn chairs, blankets and a picnic and enjoy live music by the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra, patriotic birthday cake, food vendors and a dazzling fireworks […]


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