
Bloomin’ Wine Fest

Frederick County Fairgrounds 250 Fairground Rd, Winchester, VA, United States

This three-day wine festival kicks off the annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival every year. This year's event will be held at the spacious Frederick County Fairgrounds to allow for plenty of distancing and fresh outdoor air. There will be two large wine garden areas under tents featuring several of Virginia's finest wineries offering wines sold […]


Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival

Frederick County Fairgrounds 250 Fairground Rd, Winchester, VA, United States

The 2019 Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival will be held at the Frederick County Fairgrounds and continues to grow with attendance over 7,500 people! The festival has always been family (and pet) friendly! WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR: BUBBLEBALL by Wonderfly Games… and a human HAMSTER BALL. Come out (Sunday only, noon-5pm ) and try the […]

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