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Interstate Itineraries

Our Destinations Show You Just How Connected We Really Are

As part of MATPRA’s mission is to promote the “common threads” of the Mid-Atlantic region, our destinations have put together shared itineraries to help you plan your travels.  Each itinerary has a common theme, are two to four days long, and take you on a connected journey between our member states.  All itineraries give you contact information so you can let each destination’s representative know of your intended journey.  They will be happy to help you find lodging, restaurant recommendations, and even find other sites to extend your time and find new things to write about.
Enjoy your trip!

Conflicts, Canals, And Countrysides
A Mid Atlantic Foodie Tour
From Mountains To Shore, A Revolutionary War
Pivotal Moments In American History
Rivers, Springs, And Bays
A Tri-State Brew Tour
Sip And Splash Trough The Mid-Atlantic
Hikes, Harbor, And History
From Rugged Routes To Future Flights